Ways to Help... Ways to join... Ways to benefit

  • If you want to contribute time by using your skills, please see our volunteer page.
  • If you want to make a donation by cash, check, or in the form of a stock or bond, or become a member of Caring Advocates at a higher level of contribution, please see below.
  • If you are particularly satisfied with the services that the Caring Advocates staff has provided you, and you wish others with limited resources to have a similar opportunity, and you can offer to pay more than our usual and customary fees, then the balance may be considered as your tax-deductible contribution (consult your accountant or other tax advisor).
  • You can make your contribution directly, now, or by installments in your lifetime, or leave instructions in your will.
  • We can also accept stocks and bonds, but call us for account information.
  • Please check with your tax advisor about a new provision in the tax law that may make it possible for you to contribute from the assets of your IRA that you would otherwise be required to withdraw and pay taxes on, if you are over 70 1/2, that may be tax-deductible.

Those who donate $100 one time, or $10 monthly, or more will receive a paperback copy of “Peaceful Transitions: Stories of Success and Compassion.”

The Caring Advocates is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable trust established in March 2000, which succeeded Life Transitions in 2005. Our focus is to help persons complete Strategic Advance Care Planning that will be successful; that is, will compel future physicians and others to honor your wishes, especially if you and your family face extraordinary challenges presented by Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias, the Permanent Vegetative State, or want to die by Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking or Physician Assistance in Dying.

As a nonprofit organization, Caring Advocates accepts direct donations and has several levels of memberships, which are described on the next page. The organization also receives a portion of the net profit from the sale of books and informational media on end of life issues that it sells directly by your linking to our publisher's web site, www.LifeTP.com or purchased on such sites as Amazon.com.

If you or your organization would like to contribute to Caring Advocates, use the button below or, if you have already purchased one of our books and wish to get credit, call our office at 800 64 PEACE
(800 647 3223)

Ways to join and Ways to benefit

OR - you can send your check made payable to Caring Advocates to:

Donation Center
Caring Advocates a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
45 Bulkley Ave. #4,
Sausalito, CA 94965-2224

We will send you a letter that confirms the content and value of your donation.

Dr. Terman not only advised my mother about her end-of-life options, he also made her feel secure that she would not have to opt for premature dying to avoid getting stuck in a miserable state like dementia or stroke, in which she could no longer ask for treatment to stop. He called this the “Ironclad Strategy.” I’ll never forget how peaceful I felt as the three of us were “together” as Mom died. I was by her side, holding the phone that now connected my sister to Mom. Without Dr. Terman’s help, I doubt my sister would have ever have been able to make peace with Mom or feel peace with herself after Mom died. She has. We both have. My mother was able to die peacefully in her own bed with the undivided attention of her two closest relatives—her daughters. Who would not want that? I am so grateful that I fortunately found Dr. Terman to help us all attain a peaceful transition.

Ellen C. from Pasadena